Operational Regulations of Land Consolidation Bureau, Ministry of the Interior
Urban Land Consolidation Engineering Section
- Formulate the stipulation and amendment of the regulations regarding the urban land consolidation and zone expropriation.
- Formulation, execution, and evaluation of urban land consolidation and zone expropriation plans.
- Conduct the public construction regarding land consolidation and zone expropriation commissioned by the central government.
- Assist other government agencies with no engineering expertise to outsource and conduct project management of the planning, design, construction, and supervision of urban land consolidation and zone expropriation projects.
- Conduct the projects regarding the land reserved for public infrastructure and overall review of the projects regarding the urban land consolidation.
- Other matters related to the urban land consolidation.
Farm Land Consolidation Engineering Section
- Formulate the stipulation and amendment of the regulations regarding the farmland consolidation.
- Formulation, execution, promotion, and monitoring of the farmland consolidation.
- Formulation, execution, promotion, and supervision of the renewal and improvement of farm-roads and canals in the consolidation zone.
- Planning, design, engineering, and supervision of the farmland consolidation projects.
- Planning, design, engineering, and supervision of the renewal and improvement of farm-roads and canals in the farmland consolidation zone.
- Other matters related to farmland consolidation.
Rural Community Land Consolidation Section
- Formulate the stipulation and amendment of the regulations regarding the rural community land consolidation.
- Formulation, execution, promotion, and evaluation of the rural community land consolidation plans.
- Conduct public construction projects of rural community land readjustment plans.
- Formulation and execution of the plans of construction supervision regarding the public /self -run projects of the urban land consolidation self-run, zone expropriation, and the rural community consolidation.
- Topography survey of construction and the execution of piling setting of urban planning.
- Other matters related to the rural community consolidation.
Engineering Planning Section
- Survey and selection of the urban land consolidation and zone expropriation conducted by the central government.
- Handover of the public infrastructure in the urban land consolidation and zone expropriation commissioned by the central government.
- Execution of land administration of the urban land consolidation and zone expropriation.
- Formulate the stipulation and amendment of the engineering standard operation procedure of the urban land consolidation, the farmland consolidation, the rural community consolidation, and zone expropriation.
- Cultivation and training of engineering personnel in the urban land consolidation, the farmland consolidation, the rural community consolidation, and zone.
- Formulation and promotion of the research and development of the engineering technology regarding the urban land consolidation, the farmland consolidation, the rural community consolidation, and zone expropriation.
- Other matters related to engineering planning.
Secretary Office
- \Seal administration, and files and documents management.
- Treasure, finance, construction and maintenance, purchase, and other management issues.
- Correspondence with the congress, media public relation, policy planning, formulation, execution, and evaluation.
- Co-workers (including technicians and drivers) management.
- Issues not belonging to other sections, offices, and teams.
Personnel Office
- Responsible for personnel issues in the bureau.
Civil Service Ethics Office
- Responsible for the issues regarding civil service ethics in the bureau.
Accounting Office
- Responsible of the annual budget, accounting, statistics, and other related matters.
Development Teams
- Execution of the land development projects, such as the urban land readjustment, zone expropriation, etc.
- Execution of the construction survey, planning, design, and supervision of the farmland consolidation and the rural community land consolidation.
- Execution of the construction survey, planning, design, and supervision of the renewal and improvement of farm-roads and canals in the rural consolidation zone.
- Assist other government agencies with no engineering expertise to conduct projects of sites management and Professional Construction Management.
- Execution of piles position determination in sites of piling setting assignments of urban planning.
- Execution of the urban land consolidation, and check and handover of the public infrastructure in expropriation zone commissioned by the central government.
- Execution of the projects regarding the land reserved for public infrastructure and overall review of the projects regarding the urban land consolidation.
- Execution of land administration
- Other temporary assignments.